Boys Youth Programs 3 (16+Years Old )


    The Youth Program Rules & Behavior Policy is to establish a clear plan of action for addressing disruptive or inappropriate
    behavior that may occur during our programs. Although there has always been a zero tolerance stance regarding behaviors
    that lead to disruption of activities or physical harm to others, this letter is to inform you of our Center's procedures when
    dealing with offenses that require disciplinary action.

    Strikes will be issued if Youth Program Rules are broken:

    1. Be Safe
    · Stay with the group at all times
    · Always ask a leader for permission to leave the group and always take a partner to go anywhere away
    from the group

    2. Be Respectful
    · Listen to leaders
    · Keep hands and feet to self (no hitting, pushing, kicking, etc.)
    · Be nice to others, use kind words, no profanity or insults

    3. Have fun.

    The following actions will be implemented in cases where a child behaves inappropriately and/or physically harms another.
    Warnings may be given before a strike is issued. This will be referred to as the STRIKE POLICY:

    First Strike:
    The first time (or after a warning has been given) the child displays any behavior listed above, a time out will
    be given. At pick-up, the parent will be informed of the “First Strike.”

    Second Strike:
    The child will be removed from the program for the remainder of the day. A parent or a listed emergency
    contact will be required to pick-up the child immediately.

    Third Strike:
    Child will be permanently removed from the Youth Program for the remainder of the

    Section 1: Youth Information:

    Date of Birth


    Street Address (if different from student) Unit/Apartment/Suite


    Zip code

    Section 2: Family Information

    Father Full Name

    Phone number

    Mother full Name

    Phone number

    Does your child have medical problems or allergies (food, medicine, etc.)

    Please list

    I agree to pay $30 as a Monthly fee

    Parent/Guardian Signature